
Published Articles

Collections of currently-published news articles. Articles are published via Portland State’s Vanguard weekly.
Images courtesy of PSU Vanguard Contributors.

REvil and the rise of ransomware

Ransomware gang REvil’s websites mysteriously disappeared off the dark web during the week of July 13. This news comes just days after U.S. President Biden demanded Russian President Vladimir Putin shut down ransomware groups and collectives operating within Russia. Some speculate that this is a result of U.S. nation-state cyber defenses shutting down REvil’s website servers, however no evidence has yet to emerge on why the site has been shut down.

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Ryan McConnell
The science behind climate change and our weather extremes

Portland made national headlines this weekend over the rare heat wave weather event, causing temperatures to rise above 110°F, with night temperatures remaining as high as 90°F. Cooling shelters have been set up around Portland to provide refuge from the triple digit heat. Many are citing this event as an example of climate change and the greenhouse effect; however, little is understood about how exactly climate change is affecting this already unusual weather event.

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Ryan McConnell
UAPs and the limits of our technology

Unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) have long existed in the popular imagination, and they have been a hot topic for many conspiracists. Now, the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has published an official report concerning UAP, though it does little to debunk many of the conspiracies about these otherworldly phenomena.

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Ryan McConnell
Supply chain mayhem: Why GPUs and consoles are so hard to come by

The Entertainment Software Association recently concluded its online convention, E3 2021, and next-generation exclusive video games are being released. It’s a unique year for the video game market, as the industry is experiencing major shortages. Finding a PS5 or Xbox One X is extremely difficult, and graphics processing units have had instantaneous sell-outs since the COVID-19 pandemic began. This supply shortage is the result of severe backups in nearly every stage of the supply chains the tech industry relies on.

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Ryan McConnell